Building your brand: Advice from a seller

A sweet little video by Etsy with tips from a seller, Prunella. Etsy ofter offers tips and advice about photography, branding all in the aim of making your e-shop stand out on the site. This advice is not strictly for Etsy users, anyone who is selling anything, from services to products, can use this advice. Have a gander...

Creating a cohesive, branded line is key for getting your shop noticed. When your products, packaging, and online presence all work together to convey a specific look, your shop becomes a memorable destination. 
Etsy Featured Seller Janell Anderson of PrunellaSoap has been able to stand out among the many soap sellers with her unique photos, lovely products, and pretty packaging. Learn how she did it, and how you can do it, too!
Also read their blog post Branding 101: How to build a memorable Etsy shop.


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