Fish finger film posters
A very insightful (and amusing) post on the JKR Gazette today on the comparison of fish finger packaging as point of reference for film posters. The post goes on to analyze the Tarantino brand equity and film poster style. Of Tarantino's latest film, Inglourious Basterds, the Gazette has this to say:
Read the full post here.
"Tarantino's latest “Inglourious Basterds” looks like a carbon copy of “Valkerie” (itself a pale imitation of the Reservoir Dogs look). So fish finger Cruise is replaced with fish finger Pitt and the brand of Tarantino slips into the background. The original posters for the film have the nasty but arresting qualities of a Sven Hassel paperback cover, and fit the actual film far better…."
"They probably got dropped because they would be seen as inciting inner city youth to acts of mayhem. Quite right too. So what’s the point? On the one hand following well understood graphic codes is going to help people choose you. But adopting such clichés will fail to get people to remember you. Tarantino’s latest poster is indicative of his position as a brand leader slipping."
Read the full post here.