Fairtrade design should be local
There's been a definite trend the last year or so that fair trade and organic products have been following with regards to their packaging, and thats the hand-rendered illustration style. While I really do love this style and often look for a job to which I can apply this to, I try not fall into the predictable trap of 'hand made and worthy'. I must confess I fell in love with the Clipper teas rebrand, done by WHM (?) and the Kromland Farm's Rooibos tea, by Pearlfisher. The simplified colour palette, simple shapes and illustrations are very effective given the industry. Why Kromland couldn't find a South African design consultancy to design this is beyond me, as SA has a very high level arts and crafts industry and particularly this style. Though Pearlfisher did do a great job, sometimes I think it's more about how much money a company has to spend and not believing a local design consultancy or studio has what it takes to do the job. This influx of foreign and many Russian companies seeking design work to be done in London is silly, as I know many Russian designers and studios who are immensely talented and hungry for work.