Web stuff

My website is now up and running and looking fab! It took alot of time and patience, and some tears too. But I'm super pleased with it. Thank you to all the previous web designers who's life I made hell. It's not you, it's me :)
I'm just a difficult customer because I know what I want, WHEN I see it. It was really good practice building my own site. I don't think I'll ever be able to bring myself to pay someone else to do it again. Plus, I now have another skill :) Above are a couple of screen grabs. You'll notice the colour scheme for the design matches my blog (consistency is key in branding yourself). My photography pages are black, cause my photos look MINT on black,a and a peachy pink for my miscellaneous.
I also once heard somewhere a gray background shows the colours of your work better, whereas black or white is too starck a contrast. And I always thought white was a good look?! But I must admit...loving the gray.